Saturday, July 23, 2005

Internal Search Engine

Have trouble searching for something in our website?
You know you found it in our website, but you cannot put your finger to it... I hate that feeling.
Or do you need to present to someone the outline of our website. O well, now, you should find it easy with an internal search engine, courtesy of
With this feature, visitors could now easily search for specific information within our website, as well as map (or outline) the website. You don't have to go through each webpage just to find that two words.
The Site Search function also has a Web Search option.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Campus Section Added

Where is UP Manila?
What is so special about it?
How does it affect the organization and functioning of the ROTC Program and its units?
Such questions could be avoided - and appropriate answered - if the website visitors could have ready information about the campus in which the organization is functioning.
In communication language, it is called "context."
The small section is not meant to replace the genuine, full-load, official websites of the UP Manila or the UP System. It should, however, provide ready information about the campus in which the organization, a cadet officer, an ROTC commandant, or a regular cadet, works with.
We hope the said improvement would assist visitors, particularly foreign visitors who go to our website, in understanding the organization and its purpose, in its proper context.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

First Music File Upload

A different version.
The UP Naming Mahal, Choral version of Nicanor Abelardo's "UP Beloved" Performed by the University of the Philippines Concert Chorus with Prof. Jai Sabas-Aracama conducting. Arrangement was commissioned by UP-PCCA. This version has been added with extra SIR reverb.
The file came from Nhick Abelardo:
Copyright©2000 Special thanks: UPCC, UP-PCCA, Fred Gutierrez, sound technician.
The above file has been successfully uploaded to our Download Center, in the Music Download Section.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Downloads, Lyrics, and More!

Significant developments have been made in the UP Manila ROTC Web Portal and the Corps Website.

They are the following:
  1. Download Center - while the Download Center does not have ROTC download files yet, it is nonetheless fully operational. Any file could be easily uploaded for visitors to download. Of course, the Download sections are password-protected...
  2. Forum - A forum has been created for all visitors - UPM ROTC member or not. All a visitor need to do is create an account for the forum. The URL to the UP Manila ROTC Forum site is
  3. Lyrics Section - Finally, lyrics are available in the Hymns section of the Corps website. The section has four (4) pages for the four types of songs the Cadet Corps: University, Corps, Fraternity and Military songs.
  4. Shibboleths - A new anthology has been added in this section: When Nature Wants a Man
Keep posted for developments!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Cadence Issue Completed

Finally, a whole issue of the Cadence is online.

Volume 7, Number 1, or the September-1999 issue, has been finished and published 07 1141H July 2005.

If you are not familiar with other developments in the website, the NSTP program review has been updated in the ROTC Portal. Also, a Music Download section is now active, which is password-protected.

A method of forwarding pictures to the webmaster would also be developed so that visitors could share pictures through the Corps website.

Additional articles would be posted in the Cadence database, as well as full updating of website pages for organizational information.

Monday, July 04, 2005


Finally, after some account modification, updates are coming. Due to IT restrictions, I was not able to access for a while. I still cannot access it now, but I could post messages via email. So here are the updates for the websites.
A file download center has been created. It's a free, ad-sponsored Tripod account. There are ads, but they are not very intrusive in website use. Further, only Tripod allows file upload-download functions. The link is found in the Hymns Section of the Corps Site.
Identifying certain software, the Download Center would contain basically two types of files - Music and Info-Documents. Music that would be uploaded would be songs from the Vanguard CD, but if you have other organizational songs that you think we should share to website visitors, do not hesitate to send me the file or the link. Documents would be lectures or poop sheets or related material.
A password restriction is currently in the works. As the Center does not have any files, yet, I am not very much concerned with the password restriction.
The Forum is still being considered. I am trying to find an ad-free message board. Please give me any info if you have such.
The NSTP report has been included in the NSTP Section of the ROTC Web portal.